12-Year-Old Girl Swings Python To Save Pet Guinea Pig

These days, a video has gone viral online, where we can watch an unusual scene from Australia.

A surveillance camera near one of the houses captured the scene when a 12-year-old girl grabbed a snake without hesitation to save the life of her guinea pig.

The video, which landed on YouTube these days, has reached more than 1.5 million views to date, and many Internet users are impressed by the girl's brave move.

The Telegraph, YouTube
Rosie Whitman, a 12-year-old girl, discovered a six-foot-long python in the bush, wrapped around her pet Maxibon. To save the guinea pig's life, she grabbed the snake and started spinning it. At the intervention of the father, the python released the guinea pig.

Watch the unusual scene from Australia, where a brave 12-year-old girl saved a guinea pig's life with her intervention.
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