Dancing Clown Turns Audition From Creepy To Stunning On The Greatest Dancer

The Harrison clown presented his talent in The Greatest Dancer show, who initially scared some viewers at an audition there.

At his dancing performance, fear melted away and enthusiasm was born!

Namely, it turns out that 16-year-old Harrison clown is a really talented dancer, even though he used to look fearful with his appearance. He was dressed in the character of Pennywise from the horror movie "It", holding a red balloon in his hands.

With his dance performance and play, Harrison impressed many in the hall, including the judges. They praised his talent and highlighted the fact that he got into the role of a clown from the beginning to the end of the dance performance.

Check out the audition performance of the Harrison clown, who stole all the attention in The Greatest Dancer show and impressed many online viewers!
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