The Boy Who Claims To Remember A Past Life: "Mom, I Died In A Fire In 1993!"

Luke Ruehlman, a young boy from Ohio, has captivated global audiences with his extraordinary claims that he remembers his past life.

At just two years old, Luke confided in his mother that he had been a woman named Pam in a previous life—a life he claimed was tragically cut short in a massive fire.

Luke repeatedly recounted events to his mother, Erika Ruehlman, describing details from a time before his birth. Initially, Erika was skeptical of her son's stories, but as she dug deeper, she discovered some truly eerie connections.

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"He kept mentioning a woman named Pam, even though no one in our family or circle of friends had that name. When I asked him who Pam was, Luke calmly said, 'That was me,'" Erika shared in a past interview with American media.

"What do you mean, you are Pam?"

"I was Pam, but then I died and went to heaven. God pushed me back, and when I woke up, I was a baby, and you called me Luke."

Luke also told his mother that he had died in a fire in Chicago, a city the family had never visited. Curious, Erika began researching and stumbled upon an article about a fire that occurred in Chicago in 1993, in which a woman named Pamela Robinson tragically lost her life.

To test her son's claims, Erika decided on an experiment. She placed several photos of women, including one of the late Pamela Robinson, in front of Luke. Without hesitation, Luke pointed to Pamela's photo and said, "I don't know the others, but I remember when this picture was taken." Although Pamela's family agreed to meet with Erika and Luke, they chose not to speak publicly about the matter.
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