Merciless Bear Fight Captured On Camera By The River

In the past few days, a video has landed on the YouTube network, in which we can watch a merciless fight between two bears.

The video has attracted a lot of attention online - to date, it has reached almost a million views on YouTube alone.

The author of the video wrote on the YouTube network that she was observind the two bears from the boat as they exchanged love before the dominant male joined them. A fierce fight broke out between him and the other bear, which lasted almost 20 minutes, and finally the two tired bears went their separate ways.

Vanessa Obran, YouTube
The male and female were initially making love to each other when the dominant bear joined them. A merciless fight broke out between the two males, and the author of the video recorded the whole thing from the boat.

Watch a scene from nature where we can witness cruelty in the wild. Have you ever seen such a relentless fight between two bears?
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