Tourists Rescue A Horse That Got Stuck Between Rocks

These days, a video has gone viral on the internet, where we can watch a group of tourists rescuing a horse.

The wild animal unfortunately got stuck between the rocks, but good people saved the horse's life by acting quickly.

The video, which landed on the YouTube network years ago, is already a real hit there - to date it has reached more than 100,000 views, and many online commentators praised the quick and efficient intervention of people.

ViralHog, YouTube
We can watch an unusual scene near the city of Aktau in Kazakhstan, when a wild horse got stuck between rocks. He could no longer get free on his own, but a group of tourists came to his aid.

They tried to move the rock away with the help of a rope and a vehicle, and finally managed to save the animal. Watch the amazing scene where a group of tourists rescued a wild horse in Kazakhstan.
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