UK Doctor Advises On Potential Lifesaving Corona Virus Breathing Technique

At the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, a video from the UK landed online, in which a doctor there presented a special technique that can save our lives when infected with a coronavirus.

These are special breathing exercises to help our lungs get the most oxygen.

Dr. Sarfaraz Munshi is a UK doctor who has received a lot of praise these days. Namely, he shared a video on the YouTube network showing a special breathing technique that can save your life.

Procedure for performing breathing technique:

1. Sit upright

5x deep breath, hold it for 5 seconds
1x deep breath, then cough into your sleeve
Repeat for a 2nd time

2. Lie on stomach

Breath slightly deeper than normal
Continue for 10 min

3. Repeat regularly
Doing breathing exercises is highly recommended for all those who are infected with Covid-19, but the technique can also be performed by healthy ones. According to the doctor, this is the best way to get the most air to the lungs. Feel free to share the video of Dr. Sarfaraz Munshi among your friends, as it can save many lives!
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