Woman Asks For Windshield Refund, Guy Takes Care For Instant Lesson
These days, the Web has been surrounded by video footage in which an employee took care of a lesson. He installed a rear windshield on one of the customers' vehicles, but the owner was not happy with the work.
That's why she came back and asked the employee for refund!
The employee accepted her complaint, even though the windshield was installed professionally and the work was done as it should be. He returned the whole amount to the owner, but soon after took the right into his own hands.
With a wooden board, he quickly made sure the back gap of the owner's vehicle was empty again!
The driver thought that his work would be free with such extortion, but she was very wrong. See how the employee took the right into his own hands and made sure the woman got a lesson!
That's why she came back and asked the employee for refund!
The employee accepted her complaint, even though the windshield was installed professionally and the work was done as it should be. He returned the whole amount to the owner, but soon after took the right into his own hands.
With a wooden board, he quickly made sure the back gap of the owner's vehicle was empty again!
The driver thought that his work would be free with such extortion, but she was very wrong. See how the employee took the right into his own hands and made sure the woman got a lesson!