25-Year-Old Man Wakes Up To Cobra In His Pants

These days, a video has gone viral on the Internet, where we can watch the real horror experienced by a 25-year-old construction worker.

While working, he took a rest not far from the construction site, and while doing so, a snake found its way into his underwear.

When the young man woke up after hard work, he witnessed a real horror - he found a cobra in his underwear. He took a rest not far from the construction site, and the snake, apparently out of curiosity, went straight into his underpants.

Screenshot, Facebook
He called the paramedics for help, who advised him to remain completely still and not to move. Cobras are known to completely calm down in certain places for several hours while preparing for a possible attack on their prey.

When the snake handler arrived at the scene of the strange incident, he carefully removed the wild animal from the young man's underwear, and the whole drama ended happily. Take a look at the unusual scene when a 25-year-old worker woke up to a real horror after a rest.
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