3-Year-Old Girl With Kite Swept Into Sky By Gust Of Wind

During the festival of kite flying in Taiwan, a real horror took place, which fortunately ended without serious consequences.

A barely 3-year-old girl got tangled into a kite, and a gust of wind carried her high into the air.

Visitors of the festival, which took place in the city of Hsinchu in Taiwan, could only helplessly observe what was happening when a strong gust of wind lifted the 3-year-old girl high into the air. The entire scene was recorded on a mobile phone, and the video has already reached more than a million views on the YouTube network.

According to the latest unofficial information, the kite carried the girl more than 30 meters (100 feet) high into the air, but it fortunately then descended to the ground, where the girl was caught by festival visitors.

The festival was suspended due to the incident, but it all ended relatively happily, as the girl suffered only a few minor injuries, according to local media reports. Take a look at the horror they witnessed in Taiwan these days.
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