Parent Treats Child With Seizures With Cannabis Oil, Result Will Leave You Speechless
These days, a video clip encircled the web in which the parents shared a heartbreaking scene that really makes you to think. Their children was experiencing severe seizures and doctors had not found suitable medicines for him. For this reason, parents used alternative medicine.
Father has given his son a cannabis oil, which many people say has great healing effects. Although health institutions does not support cannabis, the video speaks for itself. Take a look at the child's reaction to an epileptic seizure when he gets the dose of an alternative medicine.
Father has given his son a cannabis oil, which many people say has great healing effects. Although health institutions does not support cannabis, the video speaks for itself. Take a look at the child's reaction to an epileptic seizure when he gets the dose of an alternative medicine.
Son of a biscuit!
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