Man Uses A Vacuum Cleaner To Remove Yellow Jacket Nest From Client's Yard

These days, a video landed on the Internet, where we can watch an interesting way of removing a yellow jackets' nest.

The man was called for help by a family that had problems with yellow jackets - they created a nest next to their house, in which around 5 thousand individuals could be found.

The video, which landed on the YouTube network these days, is already a real hit there - it has reached more than half a million views to date, and many Internet users called the method of removing yellow jackets unusual.

Hornet King, YouTube
The author of the video actually tackled the yellow jacket's nest with the help of a mammal, which he placed in front of the entrance to the nest. For more than 15 minutes, the yellow jackets flew out of the nest and got caught in the trap, then the man dug out the nest.

With the remains of the nest, which contained many larvae, he fed his chickens, emus, turkeys and squirrels. Take a look at the video where we can follow an unusual way of removing a yellow jackets' nest.
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