Paraglider Saves His Life In Last Second After His Parachute Gets Tangled

A few weeks ago, a video clip landed on the YouTube network, where we can watch the real drama experienced by the paraglider.

During the jump, his parachute got tangled in the air, then the parachutist saved his life literally in the last seconds.

The video, which was published on the YouTube network in the past weeks, is already a real hit there - to date, it has reached more than 1.6 million views.

Luiz Otavio Mesquita posted a scene from his camera online, where we can watch the real drama. His parachute became tangled during the flight, then he opened the reserve parachute in the last seconds, saving his life.

Watch the terrifying scene where we can follow the drama experienced by the paraglider above the ground. Would your heart stop at a moment like this?
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