Stray Kitten Picks A Dog As Her Mom

Domestic animals show us love and compassion at every step, and we witnessed a very special story years ago in Greece.

There, a stray cat chose a dog as her mother, and judging by the reactions, the scene touched many animal lovers.

The video, which was published on the YouTube channel The Dodo, is already a real hit there - it has reached almost 20 million views to date, and the viewers were moved above all by the compassion of the dog named Toast.

The Dodo, YouTube
We can follow a touching story from Greece, in which a stray kitten chose the dog Toast as her surrogate mother. Her owner Lucie captured touching scenes on camera as the dog showed a lot of love and began to care for the little kitten.

Watch the unfolding of the touching story in which a stray kitten found her patron in a dog. Will the dog touch your heart with her reaction?
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