TV Presenter Gets Bitten By A Shark While Swimming With Them
Freek Vonk said he was looking for Caribbean reef sharks at the island of Bimini. It was all about friendly sharks that are harmless to people, but things went wrong. One of the sharks made a mistake and took a big bite at his right upper arm.
The biologist was rushed back to the mainland. With a helicopter Vonk was then flown to the Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami: "After a 3-hour operation, during which I was completely anesthetized, and more than 100 stitches, I can now raise my thumb again."
The biologist was rushed back to the mainland. With a helicopter Vonk was then flown to the Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami: "After a 3-hour operation, during which I was completely anesthetized, and more than 100 stitches, I can now raise my thumb again."
Son of a biscuit!
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