How People React To An Ambulance In Different Countries
Rescuers are those who put their lives on the line repeatedly to save another life. But on the way to a road accident or a person in help, they often encounter obstacles.
The biggest obstacle for them is the heavy traffic, which is inevitably in large cities.
A compilation was uploaded on the web, in which the author showed how the ambulance ride looks like in many countries around the world. In some places, people don't even care for ambulance, which makes the intervention trail extensively prolonged.
Among the best drivers were Germans. They have an excellent technique that they all adhere to. Along the stagnation on the motorways, the drivers are positioned to the left and to the far right, and the rescuers then have a free path through a correctly created rescue corridor.
The biggest obstacle for them is the heavy traffic, which is inevitably in large cities.
A compilation was uploaded on the web, in which the author showed how the ambulance ride looks like in many countries around the world. In some places, people don't even care for ambulance, which makes the intervention trail extensively prolonged.
Among the best drivers were Germans. They have an excellent technique that they all adhere to. Along the stagnation on the motorways, the drivers are positioned to the left and to the far right, and the rescuers then have a free path through a correctly created rescue corridor.