Baby Penguin Is Too Big For Pouch But Refuses To Move Until Dad Had Enough

Emperor penguins start their families in the brutally cold Antarctic winter where temperatures drop as low as a chilling 60 below zero Celsius. After the females lay an egg, they head for the sea to feed while the males huddle together and perch the eggs on their feet to keep the eggs warm under their bodies in a special pouch with a skin fold.

Once the eggs hatch, the chicks are clothed only with a very thin layer of down and cannot regulate their own body temperature. Since it takes almost 50 days for them to be able to warm themselves, they remain in the brood pouch toasty warm.

When Mom has returned from feeding, both she and Dad take turns caring for baby. In an absolutely adorable BBC Special called A Penguin's Tale, we follow the adventures of a cute little baby named Snow Chick.
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