Friends Spot A Cow Drowning In A Lake, Jump Into Action To Save It

Cows are known for repeatedly losing contact with the herd and wandering into places where things may not end well for them.

One of the cows in the video found herself in the middle of a deep lake, and a group of friends noticed the helpless animal and immediately set about rescuing it.

The video, which landed on the YouTube network a few months ago, has reached almost 5 million views on the aforementioned network alone. Many netizens were impressed by the quick action of the group of friends who saved the helpless animal's life.

We Love Animals, YouTube
A cow named Bessie found herself in the middle of a lake where she almost drowned. Rescuing an animal weighing almost 700 kilograms was very tiring for a group of friends, but with their combined efforts they only ensured a happy ending to the story.

We Love Animals, YouTube
The cow was pulled towards the land with the help of a rope, but in the process she sank several times with her head under the water. That is why a woman in a group of friends jumped into the water and held the cow's head above the water surface during the rescue. Take a look at how the rescue unfolded when a group of friends came to the aid of a helpless cow drowning in the middle of a lake.
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