Homeless Man Sees Open Car's Windows, Does Mind Blowing Act

Years ago, a video clip has landed on the web, where many have changed the view for the homeless people. Many people do not trust them, even if they really need our help.

That some homeless people are trustworthy, the video clip we are talking about is a perfect proof.

A boy named Johal has published a very special experiment on the web to test the honesty of one of the homeless.

He left his car unlocked with an open window at the rear doors. There was also an expensive mobile phone and a laptop on the back seats, but the homeless person did not want to touch these things.

When Johal approached him pretending he's a stranger, he suggested him to steal things and divide the loot, but the homeless man surprised many with his answer: "No, that won't be a good idea. I am waiting for the owner. I think he worked hard for these stuff..."

In the end, Johal admitted that this is an experiment and that the car belonged to him, and then gave the honest homeless guy $500. Another proof that good returns with good. Respect to a homeless man for such a honest move!
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