Adorable Girl Serves Up Invaluable Advice, Goes Viral With Her Wisdom

A single mother of Surrey, BC, had captured a beautiful scene on her camera few years ago, in which her 6-year-old daughter Tiana stole all the attention.

She has offered some nice tips to her mommy after a fight between her parents.

Cherish Sherry, Facebook
"I'm not trying to be mean, I just want everyone to be friends. And if I can be nice, I think all of us can be nice too," she says in the video.

The video of her speech exceeded over 40 million views on Facebook alone. No wonder, if little Tiana is so cute!

At the same time, the little girl told the world that she only wants everyone to love each other. If we are evil, we will develop into monsters that will eat each other. This is what little Tiana thinks.

Listen to her cute tips and feel free to share the video with friends, so that they will also witness this adorable tips of a 6-year-old girl.
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