Bride Helps Sister Get Engaged At Her Own Wedding

Years ago, a video appeared on YouTube showing an unexpected surprise at a wedding.

There, the bride shocked her sister - she took care of her secret engagement and let everyone know how much she loves her sister.

The video, which landed on the YouTube network years ago, is already a real hit there - to date, it has reached more than 2 million views on the mentioned network alone, and judging by the reactions, the scene impressed many Internet users.

The bride gave the wedding bouquet to her sister during her wedding ceremony, after which her partner went down on one knee next to her. He proposed to her sister and provided an unforgettable surprise. All with the help of a selfless bride who allowed her sister to have her moment of glory at the wedding.

Watch an adorable video clip from one of the weddings, where the bride and her sister's partner provided an unforgettable surprise. Without a doubt, a moment that will be remembered forever by all the guests at the wedding.
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