Clemens Kaudela's Big Crash At Red Bull Rampage 2023

On Friday 13 October, the prestigious Red Bull Rampage 2023 competition took place, where freestyle mountain bikers perform extraordinary feats.

In the US state of Utah, they present themselves with brutal rides on a special training ground, where sometimes there are also bad outcomes.

Austrian competitor Clemens Kaudela experienced a real horror when he misjudged the speed in the second run and flew too far. He flew about 15 meters deep, but on landing he lost control of the bike and fell badly.

Clemens Kaudela's POV of crash:

The prestigious victory at Red Bull Rampage 2023 was won by American professional freestyle mountain biker Cam Zink, who also competed at the X Games in the past.

Take another look at the fall of the Austrian mountain biker at Red Bull Rampage 2023 from another perspective. Fortunately, he took it away without serious injuries.

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