Doctors Said He Won't Be Able To Speak. Listen How He Sings With His Sister!
Amanda Gray's daughter Lydia was watching Bo while she was in the shower. Came out to this. If she didn't have a guitar she doesn't know if she would know how to babysit him. This is her go to. It's proof that music therapy works.
After the birth of Bo, doctor said to her that he won't be able to speak even at the age of 3. But the family knew he would!
Bo is now 25 months old and has a 12 word vocabulary. Every word he has learned has been through music and singing.
After the birth of Bo, doctor said to her that he won't be able to speak even at the age of 3. But the family knew he would!
Bo is now 25 months old and has a 12 word vocabulary. Every word he has learned has been through music and singing.