Dog Sitting On A Driver's Seat Becomes Sensation Thanks To Hilarious Video
A video clip was uploaded on the web, which quickly became a real sensation thanks to a dog. And what was so special in the video? In a parked car, passengers in the vehicle noticed a car on the other side in which a dog was sitting on the driver's seat.
Passengers spiced up everything with remarkable commentaries, they asked the dog if he was aware that he is a dog. Dog responded with some hilarious moves - at first glance everything seemed as the dog had enough of their comments.
Take a look at the video that nearly 2 million users around the world laugh at these days.
Passengers spiced up everything with remarkable commentaries, they asked the dog if he was aware that he is a dog. Dog responded with some hilarious moves - at first glance everything seemed as the dog had enough of their comments.
Take a look at the video that nearly 2 million users around the world laugh at these days.