George H.W. Bush Laid To Rest With Wife Barbara And Daughter Robin

In the National Cathedral in Washington, many celebrities have said goodbye for the last time to the 41st US President George H.W. Bush. He died last Friday at the age of 94.

His son, George Bush, took over for the speech at his father's funeral.

He described his father as a great and noble man who took care for the end of the Cold War. In his speech, George Bush Jr. also said that he was the best father a son or daughter could have, and he could not hold his tears at these words.

On Sunday, the coffin was taken from Texas with a presidential plane and laid in the rotunda of the convention palace, then they took the coffin back to Texas.

For an eternal rest, coffin with deceased George H.W. Bush was placed in Collage Point, where he was taken by a special Bush 4141 train built in honor of him in 2005.
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