Stray Dog Was Freezing To Death, Kind Couple Saves His Life

Years ago, a video appeared on the Internet in which we can watch the touching act of good people when they helped a puppy in the middle of winter.

A stray dog was lying on the side of the road in the snow and was left to the mercy of the severe cold, but passers-by intervened to save his life.

The video clip, which landed on the YouTube network years ago, is already a real hit there - to date, it has reached more than 16 million views on the aforementioned network alone, and judging by the reactions, it has moved many animal lovers.

PawMeow, YouTube
The scene was captured by Stoyan and Dessy in Bulgaria - they are two individuals who want to help stray animals in their area. Along with the video, they wrote that Bulgaria is a small and poor country with a large number of stray animals and a shortage of good people who would take them under their roof.

Take a look at a touching scene from Bulgaria where we can watch the rescue of a stray dog that would have frozen to death without help. Will the kind couple touch your heart with their act?
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