Vegan Activists Separate Hens From Roosters "So The Hens Aren't Raped"

Three vegan activists from Spain have shocked the public these days with their unusual actions.

They are convinced that the roosters intentionally rape the hens, so they are firmly determined that the animals need to be separated from each other!

Almas Veganas
Vegan activists from Almas Veganas say we must not differentiate between human and animal species - which is why they believe animals can also be raped.

Activists say they plan to end the abuse and rape of chickens who are constantly running away from the roosters.

"Roosters intentionally rape chickens and don't think it's an animal instinct," activists say, and they will do everything in their power to prevent such acts. For the start, they suggest seperating the hens from the roosters.
Top comment
Tami Wright
9 months ago
Where to begin: I raise chickens. The hens do this thing called the "submissive squat", the roo does his thing, it takes about 3 seconds (there's a joke in there, I'm sure), and it is entirely instinct. Additionally, if these "activists" really believe we are supposed to treat the chickens as equal to humans, then why are the chickens in that cage? Dummies.
Jeff Sims
6 months ago
This is what is dragging Mankind down to the gutter in this nation: NOT differentiating between humans and animals! Animals cannot rise to our level, so some feel the need to stoop to theirs.
Brady LeClair
8 months ago
Like that’ll stop me
Dan Tralton
9 months ago
Put them on a desert island with the chickens. they'll soon find the facts of life. They'll have eggs to ear but As they eat the chickens and there are no offspring, they'll starve.
Matt Menzies
9 months ago
The activists do not represent all vegans. Just as many non vegans are different and have many different views on anything. Please try keep a level head when reading these articles and commenting negative options about all vegans. Plenty of dumb and smart people in all walks of life. Just do the best you can and enjoy life. MM
Robin Vaughan-Evans
9 months ago
Have heard that a of lionesses are being raped in Africa could you go and sort those lions out.
David Matthews
9 months ago
I’m sure all vegans aren’t this stupid but hey, you have to wonder.
Kevan Millar
9 months ago
Why would anybody want to make the crap they spout public, All the shit going on there worried about a chicken getting raped! You couldn’t make it up!
John Cardoni
9 months ago
Brawndo !!!!'s got electrolytes! It's what chickens want and crave.
Chris Aldridge
9 months ago
I mean, if the chickens belong to them, it's their own business, but the logic is dumb. How does a chicken let you know they are consensual or aren't? I don't even know if such a thing occurs to a chicken. It's kinda just what they do, they mate. The hens probably just think of it as another day. Roosters don't even have a penis. There is no penetration. There is simply sperm exchange. Most species don't have sex for pleasure. Humans are one of the only ones who does. So sex between chickens probably isn't about any kind of satisfaction or dominance. It's probably just instinct and procreation.
Bob Farber
9 months ago
The fact that people can’t recognize insanity any longer is what’s unusual.
Drew Brenneman
9 months ago
What was in the water they were drinking? Must have been tainted. There certainly IS NO LOGIC IN THEIR REASONING.
Dallis Miller
9 months ago
Strange looking creatures aren't they? The dude and dudette I mean.
Carlos Rodrigues
9 months ago
Why do those guys look so mad in the picture?
Carol Williams
9 months ago
What a trip of morons.... Just when I think I have heard everything, something always comes up to make me rethink just dumb some people can be...
Thomas Grøn Ek
9 months ago
Paul Normand
9 months ago
So they’re “assuming” the hens are getting raped now? Do they know what the hen is thinking or are they just forcing their agenda into another species? To me that would sound like lifestyle rape!
Yuri Dumass
9 months ago
I don't seem to see them out to prevent the bees from assisting in the rape of the flowers they visit by depositing another flowers pollen without their consent.
Steven Weaver
9 months ago
i think the problem isnt the raping roosters its some people's fear of not allowing them to be free range in a free range environment the chickens can say no .
Armand Hammer
9 months ago
By the looks of them I think they’ve eaten too many nuts and fruits as they are nuts and look like fruits to me except for that bantam rooster queering in from the side. Buck, buck, buck, buck, buck cock
Mag Num
9 months ago
Incredible....these two are dumb clucks
Amanda Brewster
9 months ago
James Someone needs to put you back in the dog cage you came from and put a muzzle on that face of yours. Sexist scumbag!

As for the chicken thing it’s completely stupid!
Tim Ingvaldson
9 months ago
Do these women speak chicken? Otherwise how would they know if the lady chickens consented to a little cock.
Debbie Phillips
9 months ago
Jacquie Jones You are correct. You don't need a rooster for the hen to produce eggs. Although you do need a rooster for the eggs to be fertilized. If roosters are removed from the hens there will be no more chickens.
Jeff Smith
9 months ago
The young man on the right looks a lot like a chicken.
Dan Soukeroff
9 months ago
Reply to Jim S. the idiots are looking back in the Mirror! The first sentence and the fifth word that starts wit the letter S tells us they are from Spain!
Robert Aldridge
9 months ago
isn't that David Hogg the florida whiner on the right ???
Matt Buswell
9 months ago
Well if they have their way, there will be a short decade and then KFC, Nando’s, chikafill and god knows who else, will have to work the work word turkey into there names. Well until the turkeys go extinct for raping lady turkeys.
June Bacon
9 months ago
Definitely lala
Jacquie Jones
9 months ago
Doug Hammond. You do know you dont need roosters for hens to produce eggs. Dont you?
Doug Hammond
9 months ago
How is egg production going with them separated???
Jeffery Estrada
9 months ago
STUPID aid as Stupid does!!!!
Dumb and Dumber!
Jim Sanderson
9 months ago
are we even sure what the video was about? it was in Russian, and I didnt see one chicken in the whole video? Might help if the idioots who run this site at leats put english subtitles on it the subtitle were in Russian (or some other language ) too.
Helen Wyland-Malchow
9 months ago
SO sorry for them, not the chickens. They seem to be limited many ways......
Dylan Dagenais
9 months ago
Ahaha stupid dikes ,you depend on us straight people to make more gay baby’s. you guys should quite farming while your ahead ,you’ll fail miserably.
Tami Wright
9 months ago
Where to begin: I raise chickens. The hens do this thing called the "submissive squat", the roo does his thing, it takes about 3 seconds (there's a joke in there, I'm sure), and it is entirely instinct. Additionally, if these "activists" really believe we are supposed to treat the chickens as equal to humans, then why are the chickens in that cage? Dummies.
Eric Nix
9 months ago
These people are complete idiots.
Sylvia Classic
9 months ago
I love how all the men commenting are super gross (and probably rapists).
James Vawter
9 months ago
This is why women should be in the kitchen without an opinion unless that opinion has been given to them by a man.... It's been repeatedly proven liberals feminists vegans and whatever else they want to call themselves today can't be allowed out in public without somebody holding their leash or they'll make regular women look stupid and at this point I think they're trying to do it on purpose
Christopher Pope
9 months ago
Right.... They just like grabbing other people's cocks.
Jared Malan
9 months ago
LMFAO Lets wait and see what comes first, consensual chicken sex or the species dying off.
Phil Acre
9 months ago
Veganism = mental illness
Daniel Spillett
9 months ago
she looks like she has not eaten in months skinny pale and mentally ill that's a typical vegan
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